South Coast Angling Club/ Trident Sea Anglers Beach Clean
The South Coast Angling Club had a really good enjoyable day on 26th June working alongside Trident Sea Anglers in an interclub beach clean on Shoreham Beach. Eighteen volunteers spent the morning walking along Shoreham beach between the Harbour West Arm to the Burrells roundabout and then further West in an effort to
a) clean the beach,
b) enjoy each others company and
c) show that anglers care about the beaches we share with the rest of the community.
Despite the beach being very well maintained by local residents we still managed to fill 20+ council sacks. It was obvious as soon as we walked onto the beach that the local residents keep the beach in tip top condition with regular litter pick days because we couldn’t find large items to pick up. The bags we filled were full of the smaller items like strands of old fishing nets, rope, wire, metal cables, tissue, palm oil, charcoal wood, plastic bottle tops, plastic cable ties of differing sizes, driftwood, plastic bags, some segments of lost fishing line and ironically a broken section of a litter picker!.
After the beach clean some of us spent a few pleasant hours on Shoreham West Arm for a little snack and some fun fishing for everyone. Now that’s what I call spending time with good friends.
Thanks to Adur & Worthing Council for supplying us with the council waste bags, bag rings and litter pickers for the day. Thanks also to the Residents of Shoreham Beach who OK’d the beach clean inside the nature reserve.
A big thank you to the Anglers for their efforts, which they say they are going to repeat next year. Any other local groups wanting to organise a similar event, FoSB have all the equipment which we are more than happy to lend for a day. Just email friendsofshorehambeach@gmail .com
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